D-2102 Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Spain - (+34) 91 067 28 98
- vmaojo@fi.upm.es
Prof. Victor Maojo created the Biomedical Informatics Group in 1993. In 1994 he got two grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Sanidad and in 1995 a large award from Hewlett Packard USA ($200,000) which allowed to create the basic infrastructure of the group.
Teaching. Since 1990 he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Biomedical Informatics, Knowledge Engineering, AI applications, History of Science and Cognitive Science.
Training. He has sent students to various international universities, such as Health Science and Technology (Harvard-MIT), with whom he developed an intense exchange program, with six students, Rutgers University, the University of Utah and the US National Cancer Institute. He has participated in pioneering activities in medical informatics at the UPM, with undergraduate and graduate courses.
Research. In 1996 he began to work on biomedical database integration, which later led to work on clinic-genomics database integration, a research that he pioneered with the First European Commission-funded project in this area (INFOGENMED).
In 2008-2011 he was the coordinator and scientific leader of the Action Grid project, which was the first EC-funded project in the new area of Nanoinformatics. In this area he has written several seminal papers, which have contributed to consolidate the field. He participates as co-editor in a forthcoming book on Nanoinformatics principles and practice, edited by Elsevier.
Other research areas include artificial intelligence in medicine, clinical guidelines and protocols, image processing and analysis, data and text mining, information retrieval, internet-based applications, models and tools for clinical trials and semantic interoperability.
He has been coordinating the AFRICA BUILD project, including WHO and four African partners from Mali, Cameroon, Egypt and Ghana, to create centers of excellence in Africa where the use of information technologies can be used to improve health research and care. Through the Africa Build portal and a social network specially created for the project, the project aims to create a self-sustainable South-South infrastructure to carry out e-learning activities in the health domain.
- Study
- MD, Universidad de Oviedo
- MSc in Knowledge Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
- PhD in Computer Science, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
- MD in Universidad de Oviedo
- Awards
- HISE initiative. Hewlett Packard USA. 1995.
- Best research group. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. 1997.
- Best research group. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. 1998 (note: after 1998, the SEIS established a maximum of 2 awards for the same group)
- (Elected) Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI), for his contributions to the field of medical informatics. 2011
- (Elected) Member, International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics, an academy associated to IMIA, the International Medical Informatics Association
- Special participations
- Distinguished talks and keynotes: ISMDA, MIE, CBMS, University of Coruña, Oviedo, Complutense de Madrid, Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, University of Utah (3rd Reed Gardner lecture), Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Harvard University, Emory University, University of Rome, Goethe University, Linköping University (doctoral's opponent), Hewlett Packard Germany, and other participations in Cairo, Buenos Aires, Chile, Ghana, Korea, China, among others
- Chairs and Session Chairs: Medinfo, CBMS, MIE, Conceptual Modelling, ISMDA, among others
- Boards: more than 20 international conferences
- SEIS (Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud): member of the Board; member of the Scientific Committee
- Journal boards
- Methods of Information in Medicine
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
- Journal of Fuzzy & Intelligent Systems
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics
- IOS Press
- Postdoctoral research
- Georgia Institute of Technology (with Prof. Norberto Ezquerra): Visiting Professor and Consultant
- Medical Informatics Program, Health Science and Technology, Harvard-MIT (with Prof. Robert A. Greenes): Research Fellow
- Participation as evaluator
- European Commission (1997-current). FPIV,V,VI and VII (expert and rapporteur)
- Belgian, Swiss and German agencies
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria
- Comisión Nacional, programa de Tecnologías de la Información, Ministerio de Ciencia, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
- Agencias del gobierno gallego, vasco y de Castilla la Mancha
- Journals: JAMIA, Methods of Information in Medicine, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Computers in Medicine and Biology, Journal of IBM Research, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Medical Informatics, BMC Medicine
- Predoctoral and postdoctoral grants awarded
- Gobierno de Asturias
- Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (4, one predoctoral in UPM, one postdoctoral in Georgia Tech, one in Harvard-MIT and one postdoctoral in UPM)
- Fundación Banco Herrero
- Real Colegio Complutence en Harvard (RCC)
- Research Projects
- Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana
- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria: 5 projects and 2 networks.
- Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia: 4 projects
- Hospital Clínico San Carlos: 2 projects
- CYTED (3 networks)
- European Commission (11):
- INFOBIOMED – Biomedical Informatics to support individualized healthcare
- ACGT – Advancing Clinico-Genomic Clinical Trials on Cancer
- ACTION-GRID. Coordination project on Nanoinformatics (coordinator)
- DICODE - Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making
- INBIOMEDvision - Promoting and Monitoring Biomedical Informatics in Europe
- INTEGRATE - Driving Excellence in Integrative Cancer Research through Innovative Biomedical Infrastructures
- p-medicine - From data sharing and integration via VPH models to personalised medicine
- AFRICA BUILD - Building a Research and Education Infrastructure for Africa (coordinator)
- EURECA - Enabling information re-Use by linking clinical REsearch and CAre
- Patents and software registered
- SIAC: Integrated system for assistance in catastrophes
- OntodataClean
- Ontofusion
- Fundación Banco Herrero
- Mapping tool
- Writing: literary short stories; neurosciences and music (in preparation); Singing technique (in preparation)
- Music: Since my youth I have been studying music and singing with various professional musicians from conservatories, playing various instruments, singing (later), and I have attended many opera performances and classical concerts. Over the last thirty years I have been studying the foundations of operatic singing technique, studying in detail many classical treatises of singing and studying the components of science, technology and art within classical singing, also applying here my studies and early work on physiology, medicine and neurosciences. My intention is to analyse and recover this (almost lost) knowledge, which goes back to the bel canto and castrati times and particularly to the work of Manuel Garcia (Jr), the creator of the laryngoscope and pioneer of a famous School of Singing. I am currently in a special committee of the UPM to launch new activities in the context of the creation of the UPM Symphony Orchestra.
- Piano (classical)
- Guitar (electric, acoustic, Spanish)
- Neapolitan mandolin
- Classical singing. Studies since 1988. Masterclasses, conferences, courses, etc with many singers: Jerome Hines, Thomas Hampson, Mariella Devia, Sherrill Milnes, Raina Kabaivanska, John Graham-Hall, Francisco Araiza, Teresa Berganza, Jaume Aragall, Renee Fleming, Ryland Davies, etc and professors of many international conservatories. I have discussed with a large number of operatic singers (e.g., Gregory Kunde, Violeta Urmana, Alfredo Kraus, Placido Domingo, Piotr Beczala, Joan Pons, Bryn Terfel, Leo Nucci, Philippe Jarousski, to name a few) about their techniques over the last decades.
- International member, NATS (the US National Association of Teachers of Singing)
- (former) Member, Metropolitan Opera Guild (NY)
- (former) Member, UPM choir
- Performing in non-profit concerts, playing piano, guitar and mandolin and singing classical pieces