[BECAS] Beca de colaboración para alumnos de Grado [CLOSED]
Publicado hace 4 años
The Biomedical Informatics Group offers a scholarship for Bachelor students in the following research areas:
Research Areas
- Artificial Intelligence applied to medicine
- Image recognition & analysis
- Deep learning
Required skills and experience
- Programming languages (Python, java)
- Unix
Job Location
- Biomedical Informatics Group – School of Computer Engineering (ETS Ingenieros Informáticos, in Spanish), UPM
Duration and remuneration
- 450€/month
Opportunity to do practicum and PFG with the possibility of expanding it with a master’s degree
If you are interested, please, send your CV (with photography) and academic record, before 2th of February to gib@infomed.dia.fi.upm.es.
Madrid, 19 of January, 2021